Sunday, November 22, 2009

oh yeahhh that's what i'm talking about

my feet hurt just looking at them, but omg JUST LOOK AT THEM, okay??

McQueen is a freaking brilliant genius. <333 Look at the last photo, the label etched in looks like it's written in some alien symbol language. :O

you guessed it, it's philo time once again. I'm supposed to be doing a persuasive essay on "Fashion Sense and Sensibility", for shizzle you guys. What am i supposed to convince her about??? Oh lordy. :| Maybe I'll print these out and call it a day. Let's see what she says about that.



*pictures from

Saturday, November 7, 2009

cause you make me show what i'm trying to conceal

INTRAMS finally!!! Today was hella fun (even if I was in school ON A SATURDAY). I love BLUE team <3.

Last week it was my sixteenth birthday. Celebrating is fun. :> Oh yes. Yeah, then on halloween night I went to Hong Kong with my family and stayed there til Wednesday. We went to Disneyland and SHOPPED. I wish we could've stayed longer. Kowloon is the best. <3

So much fun.. (especially the shopping part). Too bad we had to cut the trip short because of school :| bahhumbug. Oh well. When I got home I realized I forgot to buy some stuff I originally wanted to buy...Sigh. Next time, yeah?

(That's my sister! :) I actually love this shot.)
Tiger Shirt - The Ramp
Floral skirt - Cotton On
Shoes - Esprit
Shades - SM
Necklace (though you can't see it in these pics sadly) - gift from Erica! :)
